Black Sea Database: Dataset Information
Dataset Name: "Professor Kolesnikov", cruise 18
Start: 11/04/1988
Finish: 22/05/1988
Number of stations: 200
Research Vessel (Platform): Professor Kolesnikov
Organization: MHI NASU
Latitude range: 42°00'00" - 46°05'00"
Longitude range: 27°55'00" - 35°40'00"
Parameter list
Biology: Chlorophyll-a (Fluorometric method), Phaeopigments-a
Chemistry: Dissolved Oxygen (Winkler), Hydrogen sulfide (iodine back titration), Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate
Physics: Density, Salinity, Temperature
*Data file: 3221.dat - 3397.dat
*Format: Station data format of the NATO TU-BS project
*Ship: "Professor Kolesnikov" (MHI NASU, Ukraine)
*Expedition: Cruise number 18
*Parameters: Temperature (deg.C), salinity (psu)
*Instruments and methods: CTD-probe ISTOK-3
*Accuracy: Temperature - 0.040 deg.C, Salinity - 0.040 psu
*Principal Investigator(s): A.A.Bezborodov, V.V.L'vov
*Digitization: Double-key entry at the MHI NASU (Sevastopol, Ukraine)
Responsible - Alexey V.Mishonov
*Completed by:Alexey V.Mishonov (MHI NASU, Sevastopol, Ukraine)
*Date: 20.06.1996  
*Source of data: MHI NASU
*Data file: bank18pk.chm
*Format: Station data format of the NATO TU-BS project
*Ship: R/V Prof.Kolesnikov, (MHI NASU, Ukraine)
*Expedition: Cruise number 18
*Parameters: Dissolved Oxygen(ml/l), Hydrogen Sulfide(ml/l),
Nitrates(microM/l), Nitrites(microM/l), Phosphates(microM/l)
*Instruments and methods: CTD-probe ISTOK-3
*Processing: dissolved oxygen - Winkler's method.
Hydrogen sulfide - iodometric back titration method.
Phosphates, Nitrates - method given in "Methods of hydrochemical
Investigations of the ocean - Moscow: Science, 1978".
*Principal investigator(s): A.S.Romanov
*Digitization: Double-key entry at the MHI NASU (Sevastopol,
Ukraine) Responsible - Sergey K.Konovalov
*Completed by:Sergey S.Konovalov (MHI NASU, Sevastopol, Ukraine)
*Date: 19.12.1996
*Source of data: MHI NASU, Ukraine
*Data file(s): pk18chl.dat.
*Format: station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.
*Ship (station) name: R/V Professor Kolesnikov (MHI, Ukraine).
*Expedition: cruise number 18, April, May 1988.
*Parameters: Depth, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, (mg/m3);
phaeopigments (mg/m3).
*Instruments and methods: chlorophyll a and phaeopigments were measured
fluorometrically by use of laboratory fluorometer constracted on the base
of spectrophotometer "Specol", fitted with a red sensitive photomultiplier,
blue lamp, blue filter and red filter.
*Accuracy: lower limit = 0.01 mg/m3 and the error of Chl and Phaeo
determination is 10-15% (calculated from 10-15 repeatings)
*Processing (if applied):  
*Principal investigator(s): Z.Finenko (IBBS-Department of ecological physiology
of phytoplankton, Ukraine).
*Digitization: single entry at the IBSS (Sevastopol, Ukraine).
*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.
*Completed by: Oleg Yunev (IBBS-Department of ecological physiology of phytoplankton).
*Date: 25.12.1996.
*Source of data: IBBS-Department of ecological physiology of phytoplankton.
Stations List
Station Name | Date | Time | Latitude | Longitude | Sea Depth |
Showing 201-200 from 200 | Previous 50
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.