Black Sea Database: Dataset Information
Dataset Name: Ecta - 70a (1970 - 1975 year)
Start: 20/04/1970
Finish: 12/12/1975
Number of stations: 334
Research Vessel (Platform): a few ships
Organization: RMRI
Latitude range: 44°10'00" - 44°10'00"
Longitude range: 28°41'00" - 29°22'00"
Parameter list
Biology: Total phytoplankton, wet biomass
Chemistry: Dissolved Oxygen (Winkler), Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicic acid
Physics: Density, Salinity, Secchi Disk visibility depth, Temperature
*Data files: ec-70xx.chm - ec-75xx.chm
*Format: Station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.
*Ship name: Marea or Palamida (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Expedition: Monthly cruises between 1970 and 1975, 1 transect
with 5 stations, east of Constantza, sampling at the standard depths.
*Parameters: Temperature (deg. C), salinity (ppt), density (Sig-t),
dissolved oxygen (uM), phosphates (uM), silicates (uM).
*Instruments and methods: Nansen bottles with reversible thermometers,
dissolved oxygen by standard Winkler titration, salinity by Mohr-Knudsen
method, phosphates and silicates by methods given in "A Practical handbook  
of sea water analysis" by J.D.H.Strikland & T.S Parsons 1968, 1972, using
a colorimeter Spekol Karl Zeiss-Jena.
*Accuracy: 0.01 degC for temperature, 5uM for oxygen, 0.02ppt for salinity,
0.08uM for phosphates and 0.1uM for silicates.
*Processing (if applied):
*Principal investigators: Gheorghe Serpoianu, Adriana Cociasu,
(RMRI, Constanza, Romania).
*Digitization: Single entry at the RMRI (Constantza, Romania)
in April 1996. Responsible - Luminita Buga.
*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified staff and are reliable.
Time is Local Standard Time = GMT + 2
*Completed by: Adriana Cociasu (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Source of data: Adriana Cociasu, Vasile Diaconu (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Data files: EC-72xx - EC-80xx.
*Format: Station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.
*Ship name: Marea, Palamida  (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Expedition: Monthly cruises between 1972 and 1980, 1 transect
with 5 stations, east of Constantza, sampling at the standard depths.
*Parameters: Biomass(mg/m3)  of  the phytoplankton.
*Instruments and methods: Samples were collected with Nansen bottles,
sedimentary method (Morozova - Vodianitskaya 1948, Utermohl method variant);
microscope counting of algae species cells, from subsamples of the
0.5 -1.0 liter samples; biomass estimation trough multiplying numerical
density with species average weight.
*Processing (if applied):
*Principal investigators: Nicolae Bodeanu, Anca Roban, Mioara Usurelu
(RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Digitization: Single entry at the RMRI (Constantza, Romania)
in April 1996. Responsible - Georgeta Ruta.
*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.
*Completed by: Georgeta Ruta (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Date: 20.09.1996
*Source of data: Nicolae Bodeanu (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Data files: ec-70xx.sec - ec-75xx.sec
*Format: Header data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.
*Ship name: Marea or Palamida (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Expedition: Monthly cruises between 1970 and 1975, 1 transect
with 5 stations, east of Constantza, sampling at the standard depths.
*Parameters: Date (year, month, day), time (hour, minute), latitude
(degrees, minutes), longitude (degrees, minutes), water depth (m),
station name, Secchi depth (m), air temperature (deg. C).
*Instruments and methods: Secchi depth is measured using standard
disk (30 cm diameter, white), air temperature is measured using
mechanically ventilated psichrometer
*Accuracy: 0.1m for Secchi depth, 0.1 deg.C for air temperature.
*Processing (if applied):
*Principal investigators: Gheorghe Serpoianu, Adriana Cociasu,
(RMRI, Constanza, Romania).
*Digitization: Single entry at the RMRI (Constantza, Romania)
in April 1996. Responsible - Luminita Buga.
*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified staff and are reliable.
Time is Local Standard Time = GMT + 2
*Completed by: Vasile Diaconu (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
*Source of data: Vasile Diaconu, Ion Nae (RMRI, Constantza, Romania).
Stations List
Station Name | Date | Time | Latitude | Longitude | Sea Depth |
7201EC2 | 11/01/1972 | 09:15 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 28 |
7201EC3 | 11/01/1972 | 10:25 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 34 |
7201EC4 | 11/01/1972 | 12:10 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 46 |
7201EC5 | 11/01/1972 | 14:05 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 50 |
7202EC2 | 28/02/1972 | 09:20 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 28 |
7202EC3 | 28/02/1972 | 11:35 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 33 |
7202EC4 | 28/02/1972 | 14:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 45 |
7202EC1 | 28/02/1972 | 17:30 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 14 |
7203EC1 | 22/03/1972 | 08:16 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 16 |
7203EC2 | 22/03/1972 | 09:25 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 31 |
7203EC3 | 22/03/1972 | 10:55 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 35 |
7203EC4 | 22/03/1972 | 13:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 45 |
7203EC5 | 22/03/1972 | 15:10 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 51 |
7204EC1 | 11/04/1972 | 07:50 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 17 |
7204EC2 | 11/04/1972 | 09:10 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 32 |
7204EC3 | 11/04/1972 | 10:45 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 35 |
7204EC4 | 11/04/1972 | 12:43 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 45 |
7204EC5 | 11/04/1972 | 14:40 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 51 |
7205EC1 | 08/05/1972 | 08:00 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 17 |
7205EC2 | 08/05/1972 | 09:13 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 31 |
7205EC3 | 08/05/1972 | 10:40 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 34 |
7205EC4 | 08/05/1972 | 12:50 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 43 |
7205EC5 | 08/05/1972 | 14:55 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 51 |
7206EC1 | 12/06/1972 | 08:30 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 14 |
7206EC2 | 12/06/1972 | 09:20 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 28 |
7206EC3 | 12/06/1972 | 10:34 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 33 |
7206EC4 | 12/06/1972 | 12:35 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 44 |
7206EC5 | 12/06/1972 | 14:35 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 50 |
7207EC1 | 11/07/1972 | 08:00 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 18 |
7207EC2 | 11/07/1972 | 09:12 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 32 |
7207EC3 | 11/07/1972 | 10:20 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 34 |
7207EC4 | 11/07/1972 | 12:15 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 44 |
7207EC5 | 11/07/1972 | 14:10 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 49 |
7208EC1 | 11/08/1972 | 08:15 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 15 |
7208EC2 | 11/08/1972 | 09:20 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 28 |
7208EC3 | 11/08/1972 | 10:50 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 36 |
7208EC4 | 11/08/1972 | 13:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 45 |
7208EC5 | 11/08/1972 | 15:20 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 52 |
7209EC1 | 20/09/1972 | 08:10 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 15 |
7209EC2 | 20/09/1972 | 09:03 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 30 |
7209EC3 | 20/09/1972 | 10:10 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 35 |
7209EC4 | 20/09/1972 | 12:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 42 |
7209EC5 | 20/09/1972 | 13:55 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 50 |
7210EC1 | 25/10/1972 | 08:00 | 44°10'00" | 28°41'30" | 21 |
7210EC2 | 25/10/1972 | 09:00 | 44°10'00" | 28°47'00" | 31 |
7210EC3 | 25/10/1972 | 10:05 | 44°10'00" | 28°54'00" | 33 |
7210EC4 | 25/10/1972 | 12:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°08'00" | 46 |
7210EC5 | 25/10/1972 | 14:00 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 52 |
7211EC5 | 23/11/1972 | 11:40 | 44°10'00" | 29°22'00" | 51 |
Showing 101-150 from 334 | Previous 50 | Next 50
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.