Home page NATO SfP-971818 ODBMS Black Sea Project Database

Black Sea Database: Dataset Information

Dataset Name: "Akademik L.Orbeli", cruise 09
Start: 19/06/1981
Finish: 07/07/1981
Number of stations: 12
Research Vessel (Platform): Akademik L. Orbeli
Organization: SIO RAS
    Latitude range: 42°24'06" - 44°03'00"
    Longitude range: 27°28'06" - 36°27'12"
Parameter list
    Biology: Bacterial Production in water column, Microphytoplankton, wet biomass, Nanophytoplankton, wet biomass, Phytoplankton total, wet biomass, Primary Production in water column

*Data file(s): orb09phy.dat

*Format: Header data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: Akademik L. Orbeli (SIO, USSR).

*Expedition: Cruise number 9.

*Parameters:  Col - Depth of sampling, m
MICRO   - Microphytoplankton biomass under water column, mg/m2
NANO    - Nanophytoplankton biomass under water column, mg/m2
PICO    - Picophytoplankton biomass under water column, mg/m2
TOTAL   - Total phytoplankton biomass under water column, mg/m2

*Instruments and methods: Sampler, filtration over Nuklepore filter,
Light and fluorescent count in chambers.


*Processing (if applied):

*Principal investigator(s):  Alexander Mikaelyan (SIO, Moscow)

*Digitization: Single-key entry at the SIO (Moscow, Russia) in April,
1996. Responsible - Alexander Mikaelyan

*Remarks: Data were published in book "Coastal ecosystems in the
western part of the Black Sea" Moscow,VNIRO, 1991, 312 p. (P. 110).

*Completed by: Alexander Mikaelyan, SIO, Moscow, Russia.

*Date: 16.04.1996.

*Source of data: Mikaelyan A. (SIO RAS)

*Data file(s): ORB9prp.dat

*Format: Header data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: Akademik L. Orbeli (SIO, USSR).

*Expedition: Cruise number 9, June - July 1981

*Parameters: PRPI (mgC/m2/day)  -  Primary  production  in  water column.
             BPI  (mgC/m2/day) -   Bacterial  production in water column.

*Instruments and methods:  C_14 in situ method.

*Accuracy: 20%

*Processing (if applied):

*Principal investigator(s):  Vladimir I. Vedernikov (SIO, Moscow)

*Digitization: Single-key entry at the SIO (Moscow, Russia)
in April, 1996.
Responsible - Vladimir I.Vedernikov


*Completed by: Vladimir I. Vedernikov, SIO, Moscow, Russia.

*Date: 28.03.1997.

*Source of data: SIO RAS .

Stations List

Station NameDateTimeLatitudeLongitudeSea
525/06/1981 42°28'12"27°35'30"20
5 (2)25/06/198109:0042°28'12"27°35'30"20
627/06/1981 42°27'48"27°32'36"15
727/06/1981 42°28'00"27°28'06"8
6 (2)27/06/198109:0042°27'48"27°32'36"15
7 (2)27/06/198109:0042°28'00"27°28'06"8
829/06/1981 42°27'54"27°38'18"24
8 (2)29/06/198109:0042°27'54"27°38'18"24
Stations Map
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.

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