Black Sea Database: Dataset Information
Dataset Name: "Calipso"
Start: 07/08/1955
Finish: 08/08/1955
Number of stations: 3
Research Vessel (Platform): Calypso
Organization: WDC-A
Latitude range: 41°21'00" - 41°57'00"
Longitude range: 29°16'12" - 29°36'00"
Parameter list
Physics: Density, Salinity, Temperature
*Data file(s): CALIPSO.DAT
*Format: station data file format (NATO TU-Black Sea project).
*Ship (station) name: Calipso (France).
*Parameters: depth (meters), temperature (degC), salinity (ppt).
*Instruments and methods:
*Processing (if applied):
*Principal investigator(s):
*Remarks: Data were obtained from the US NODC.
*Completed by: Natalia Kapustina (MHI, Sevastopol, Ukraine).
*Date: 11.01.1996.
*Source of data: free use (US NODC)
Stations List
Station Name | Date | Time | Latitude | Longitude | Sea Depth |
46 | 07/08/1955 | 11:00 | 41°30'00" | 29°22'48" | 1380 |
47 | 07/08/1955 | 23:00 | 41°57'00" | 29°36'00" | 2100 |
48 | 08/08/1955 | 16:00 | 41°21'00" | 29°16'12" | 82 |
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.