Home page NATO SfP-971818 ODBMS Black Sea Project Database

Black Sea Database: Dataset Information

Dataset Name: "Mikhail Lomonosov", cruise 09
Start: 05/10/1960
Finish: 22/10/1960
Number of stations: 21
Research Vessel (Platform): Mikhail Lomonosov
Organization: MHI NASU
    Latitude range: 41°29'00" - 44°16'00"
    Longitude range: 28°45'00" - 39°09'42"
Parameter list
    Physics: Secchi Disk visibility depth

*Data file(s): ML09wd.dat

*Format: Header data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: Mikhail Lomonosov (MHI, Ukraine).

*Expedition: Cruise number 09.

*Parameters: Secchi disk depth, meters, Forel-Ule scale, grade

*Instruments and methods: Standard Secchi disk (diameter 0.3 m)
was used with a wire winch from the 5 m height desk. Standard
Forel-Ule scale (21 color samples) was used for determination
of the water color comparing the color of the scale and the
color of the sea water column above the Secchi disk at the 1/2
of its visibility depth.

*Accuracy: The error of the depth determination is approximately
0.5 m.

*Processing (if applied): Corrections were made on the wire angle.

*Principal investigator(s): V.A.Timofeeva (MHI, Sevastopol,

*Digitization: Double-key entry at the MHI (Sevastopol, Ukraine)
in September, 1993. Responsible - Dr. A.V.Mishonov.

*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.

*Completed by: Alexey V.Mishonov (MHI, Sevastopol, Ukraine).

*Date: 19.03.1996.

*Source of data: MHI NASU, Ukraine

Stations List

Station NameDateTimeLatitudeLongitudeSea
ST (2)06/10/196009:0042°40'00"33°53'30" 
ST (3)06/10/196014:5042°13'42"34°01'30" 
ST (4)06/10/196019:0042°25'36"34°35'30" 
ST (5)07/10/196005:1042°48'00"35°55'48" 
ST (6)07/10/196011:0542°59'42"36°34'54" 
ST (7)07/10/196017:4043°10'24"37°12'30" 
ST (8)09/10/196011:2043°34'42"38°48'30" 
ST (9)13/10/196017:0543°28'54"39°09'42" 
ST (10)14/10/196009:4043°29'06"36°57'24" 
ST (11)15/10/196007:1043°30'36"34°55'12" 
ST (12)16/10/196007:3043°32'24"34°00'12" 
ST (13)18/10/196006:5543°29'12"31°51'06" 
ST (14)18/10/196017:5543°27'54"30°30'30" 
ST (15)19/10/196006:4042°25'18"29°47'30" 
ST (16)19/10/196012:3241°53'00"29°45'24" 
ST (17)20/10/196007:2041°32'24"28°57'18" 
ST (18)20/10/196012:0841°34'42"28°45'00" 
ST (19)20/10/196017:3541°29'54"29°15'06" 
ST (20)21/10/196008:0541°29'00"29°09'48" 
ST (21)22/10/196008:4541°29'00"29°09'48" 
Stations Map
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.

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