Home page NATO SfP-971818 ODBMS Black Sea Project Database

Black Sea Database: Dataset Information

Dataset Name: "Professor Vodyanitskiy", cruise 36
Start: 18/01/1992
Finish: 05/02/1992
Number of stations: 10
Research Vessel (Platform): Professor Vodyanitskiy
Organization: IBSS NASU
    Latitude range: 42°42'00" - 44°53'00"
    Longitude range: 31°39'00" - 41°11'00"
Parameter list
    Biology: Chlorophyll-a (Fluorometric method), Phaeopigments-a, Primary Production at surface, Primary Production in water column
    Physics: Density, Salinity, Secchi Disk visibility depth, Temperature

*Data file(s): pv36chl.dat.

*Format: station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: R/V Professor Vodyanitskiy (IBSS, Ukraine).

*Expedition: cruise number 36, January, February 1992.

*Parameters: Depth, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, (mg/m3),
phaeopigments a (mg/m3), disk Seki.

*Instruments and methods: chlorophyll a and phaeopigments were measured
fluorometrically by use of laboratory fluorometer constracted on the base
of spectrophotometer "Specol", fitted with a red sensitive photomultiplier,
blue lamp, blue filter and red filter.

*Accuracy: lower limit = 0.01 mg/m3 and the error of CHL and PHAEO determination is
10-15% (calculated from 10-15 repeatings)

*Processing (if applied):  

*Principal investigator(s): Z.Finenko (IBBS-Department of ecological physiology
of phytoplankton, Ukraine).

*Digitization: s#ngle entry at the IBSS (Sevastopol, Ukraine).

*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.

*Completed by: Oleg Yunev (IBBS-Department of eclogical physiology of phytoplankton).

*Date: 25.06.1996.

*Source of data: IBBS-Department of ecological physiology of phytoplankton.

*Data file(s): pv36disk.dat.

*Format: station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: R/V Professor Vodyanitskiy (IBSS, Ukra#ne).

*Expedition: cruise number 36, January, February 1992.

*Parameters: Secchi disk depth, meters.

*Instruments and methods: Standard Secchi disk (diameter 0.3 m) was used
with a wire winch from the 5 m height desk.

*Accuracy: The error of the depth determination is approximately 0.5 m.

*Processing (if applied):  

*Principal investigator(s): Z.Finenko (IBBS-Department of ecological physiology
of phytoplankton, Ukraine).

*Digitization: s#ngle entry at the IBSS (Sevastopol, Ukraine).

*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.

*Completed by: Oleg Yunev (IBBS-Department of eclogical physiology of phytoplankton).

*Date: 25.06.1996.

*Source of data: IBBS-Department of ecological phys#ology of phytoplankton.

*Data file(s): pv36prp.dat.

*Format: station data file format of the NATO TU-BS project.

*Ship (station) name: R/V Professor Vodyanitskiy (IBSS, Ukraine).

*Expedition: cruise number 36, January, February 1992.

*Parameters: Depth, temperature, salinity, PRPS (mgC/m3/day)- primary
production at surface and PRPI (mgC/m2/day)- primary production in water

*Instruments and methods: primary production was measured by C14 simulated
in situ method

*Accuracy: 20 %, from experimens

*Processing (if applied):

*Principal investigator(s): unknown

*Digitization: single entry at the IBSS (Sevastopol, Ukraine).

*Remarks: Data are obtained by qualified stuff and are reliable.

*Completed by: Oleg Yunev (IBBS-Department of ecological physiology of phytoplankton).

*Date: 28.03.1997.

*Source of data: IBBS-Department of ecological physiology of phytoplankton.

Stations List

Station NameDateTimeLatitudeLongitudeSea
Stations Map
Note: yellow markers on map represent all selected stations, green markers - stations from current table.

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