1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Publications in international periodicals  GO GO GO GO GO
Publications in local periodicals GO GO GO GO  
Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings GO GO GO GO  
Publications in books and collected articles GO GO     GO
Electronic Publications  

1. Publications in international periodicals 

1998 Publications in international periodicals

Arashkevich E.G, Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S., Besiktepe S., Gucu A.C., Kideys A. E. 1998. Physiological and ecological studies of Calanus euxinus (Hulsemann) from the Black Sea with comments on its life cycle. // In: Ecosystem modeling as a Management Tool for the Black Sea (Eds: Ivanov L.I. and Oguz T.), Kluwer Ac. Publ., Netherlands. Vol. 1: 351-365.

1999 Publications in international periodicals

Bologa A.S., Frangopol P.T., Vedernikov L.V., Stelmakh L.V., Yunev O.A., Yilmaz A., Oguz T., l999. Distribution of planktonic primary production in the Black Sea. in "Environmental degradation of the Black Sea: Challenges and Remedies", S.T. Besiktepe et al. (Eds.), NATO Science Series, 2.Environmental Security, 56, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, l3l-145

Petranu A., Apas M., Bodeanu N., Bologa A.S., Dumitrache C., Moldoveanu M., Radu G., Tiganus V., l999, Status and evolution of the Romanian Black Sea coastal ecosystem. in "idem (l)", l75-195

Bologa A.S., l999, Romanian contributions to ongoing Black Sea research and management programmes. in "idem (l)", 367-376

Eker E., Georgieva L., Senichkina L., and Kideys A. 1999. Phytoplankton distribution in the western and eastern Black Sea in spring and autumn 1995. ICES Journal of Marine Science Vol. 56, pp.15-22.

Kovalev A.V., Skryabin V.A., Zagorodnyaya Yu.A., Bingel F., Kideys A.E., Niermann U., Uysal Z. 1999.The Black Sea Zooplankton: composition Spatial / Temporal distribution and history of investigations. // Turkish Journal of Zoology. - V. 23, № 2. - Р. 195-209.

Mutlu E., and Bingel F. 1999. Distribution and abundance of ctenophores and their zooplankton food in the Black Sea. 1. Pleurobrachia pileus. Marine Biology 135(4), pp.589-601.

Mutlu E. 1999. Distribution and abundance of ctenophores and their zooplankton food in the Black Sea. 11. Mnemiopsis leidyi. Marine Biology 135(4), pp.603-613.

Oguz T., and Besiktepe S. 1999. Observations on the rim current structure, and CIW formation and transport in the western Black Sea. Deep Sea Research I, 46,. 1 pp.733-753.

Shulman G.E. & Love R.M. 1999. The Biochemical Ecology of Marine Fishes. In: Advances in Marine Biology, v.36, 352 p.

Shulman G.E. 1999. Physiological parameters and problems of energy budget estimation in Mediterranean and Black Sea fishes In: P.Malanotte-Rizzoli and V.N.Eremeev, eds. The Eastern Mediterranean as a Laboratory Basin for the Assessment of Contrasting Ecosystems, pp.97-112.

Shulman G.E., Stolbov A.Ya., Ivleva E.V., Shchepkin V.Ya., Minyuk G.S. 1999. Influence of anthropogenic impact of the physiology of some Black Sea fish species. In: S.Besiktepe et al., eds. Environmental Degradation of the Black Sea: Challeges and Remedies, 257-272. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Netherland

Yuneva T.V., Svetlichny L.S., Yunev O.А., Romanova Z.A., Kideys A.E., Bingel F., Yilmaz A., Uysal Z., Shulman G.E., 1999. Nutritional condition of female Calanus euxinus from cyclonic and anticyclonic regions of the Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series Vol. 189 (1999): 195-204

2000 Publications in international periodicals

Besiktepe S., and Unsal M. 2000. Population structure, vertical distribution and diel migration of Sagitta setosa (Chaetognatha) in the south, western part of the Black Sea. Journal of Plankton Research (22), pp. 669-683.

Bologa A.S., 2000. Present trends in the Black Sea ecosystem and its biodiversity. in "Radioecological Impact Assessment in the Southeastern Mediterranean Area", F.K. Vosniakos et al (Eds.), TEI, Thessaloniki, 2, 47-59

Bologa A.S., 2000. Regional research and management developments in the Black Sea. "Ocean Yearbook", The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, l4, pp.515-519

Brown S.D., Chiavari G., Ediger V., Fabbri D., Gaines A.F., Galletti G., Karayigit A.L., Love G.D., Snape C.E., Sirkecloglu 0., Toprak S. 2000. Black Sea sapropels: relationship to kerogens and fossil fuel precursors. Fuel, (79) 1725-1742.

Coban-Yildiz Y., Chiavari G., Fabbi D., Gaines A.F., Galletti G., Tugrul S. 2000. The chemical composition of Black Sea suspended particulate organic matter: pyrolysis-GC/ MS as a complementary tool to traditional oceanographic analyses. Marine Chemistry, 69, (2000) pp.55-67.

Erkan F., Gucu A.C., Zagorodnyaya Yu.A. 2000. The Diel distribution of zooplankton in the Southeast Black Sea // Turkish Journal of Zoology, 2000. - V. 24, N 4. - pp.417-427.

Gubanova A.D. 2000. Occurrence of Acartia tonsa Dana in the Black Sea. Was it introduced from the Mediterranean? Mediterranean Marine Science. 2000. Vol.1/1, pp105-109.

Ivanov L.I., Belokopytov V., Samodurov A. and Ozsoy E. Ventilation of the Black Sea Pycnocline on Seasonal and Interannual Time Scales. Mediterranean Marine Science, Vol. 1/2, (2000) pp.61-74.

Kamburska L., Moncheva S., Konsulov A., Krastev A., Prodanov K. 2000. The Invasion of Beroe ovata in the Black Sea. Why a Warning for Ecosystem Concern? Mediterranean Marine Science, Vol.3.

Kideys A. E., Kovalev A.V., Shulman G.E., Gordina A.D., Bingel F. 2000. A review of zooplanktons of the Black Sea over the last decade. Journal of Marine Systems, Vol. 24,  pp.355-371.

Konovalov S.K., Ivanov L.I., Samodurov A.S. 2000. Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfide Fluxes in the Black Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science, Vol. 1/2, pp.41-59.

Moncheva S., Gotsis-Skretas O., Pagou K., and Krastev A., 2000. Exceptional phytoplankton blooms in Black Sea and Mediterranean coastal ecosystems subjected to anthropogenic eutrophication: similarities and differences. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science.

Moncheva Snejana, Doncheva Valentina, Kamburska Lyudmila, 2000. On the Long-term Response of Harmful Algal Blooms to the Evolution of Eutrophication off the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: are the recent changes a sign of recovery of the ecosystem - the uncertainties. IX International Conference “Harmful Algal Blooms”, 7-11 February, Hobart, Tasmania – Coll. reprints “Harmful Algal Blooms”.

Oguz T., and Salihoglu B. 2000. Simulation of eddy-driven phytoplankton production in the Black Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, (14) 2125-2128.

Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S., Erkan F., Gucu A.G. 2000. Physiological and behavioral aspects of Calanus euxinus females (Copepoda, Calanoida) during vertical migration. Marine Biology Vol. 137, (2000) pp.963-971.

Uysal Z. 2000. Pigments, size and distribution of Synechococcus spp. in the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 24(213), pp.313-326.

2001 Publications in international periodicals

Besiktepe S. 2001. Diel vertical distribution, and herbivory of copepods in the south-western part of the Black Sea. Journal of Marine Systems 28, pp.281-301.

Besiktepe S. T.,  Lozano C.J. and  Robinson A. R. 2001. On the Summer Mesoscale Variability of the Black Sea, Journal of Marine Research, 59(4), pp.475-515.

Bologa A.S., 2001. Coastal water quality monitoring of the Romanian Black Sea sector. in EMECS 2001, Abstracts, l52

Bologa A.S., 2001. Destruction of marine biodiversity: A case study of the Black Sea. in "Oceans in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities for the Islands", G.R.South et al (Eds.), Proceedings, IOI-PIM XXVII, Suva/Fiji, 8-l2 Nov.l999, Ed.DaDa, Constanta, Romania, 249-254

Bologa A.S., 2001. Recent changes in the Black Sea ecosystems. "Ocean Yearbook", The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, l5, 463-474

Kideys A.E., and Romanova Z. 2001. Distribution of gelatinous macrozooplankton in the southern Black Sea during 1996-1999. Marine Biology 139: 535-547. 

Kideyş A.E.,  Eker E., Bingel F., Ünal Ebru, Shulman G. , Kovalev A., Yuneva T., Romanova Z., Finenko G.,  Anninsky B.E., Abolmasova G. I., Trusevich V.  2001. Plankton studies carried out jointly by IMS and IBSS within the framework of the NATO-SfP Project: “Black Sea Ecosystem Processes, Prediction And Operational Data Management”. The first scoping meeting on the assessment of GIWA subregions 22, 23, 24, 26–30 March 2001, Kharkov, Ukraine

Kovalev A.V., Mazzocchi M.G., Siokou-Frangou I. and Kideys A.E. 2001. Zooplankton of the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean: Similarities and dissimilarities. Mediterranean Marine Science 2: pp.69-77.

Mutlu E. 2001. Distribution and abundance of moon jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) and its zooplankton food in the Black Sea. Mar Biol 138(2): pp.329-339

Mutlu E. 2001. Distribution of gelatinous macrozooplankton and ecosystem change in the Black Sea. pp.75-80 In: Gelatinous zooplankton outbreaks: theory and practice. CIESM Workshop Series 14: 112 p

Oguz T., Murray J.W. and Callahan A. 2001 Simulation of Suboxic-Anoxic interface zone structure in the Black Sea. Deep Sea Research I, 48, 761-787.

Oguz T., Ducklow H.W., Purcell J.E.,  Malanotte-Rizzoli P. 2001. Simulation of recent changes in the Black Sea pelagic food web structure due to top-down control by gelatinous carnivores. J. Geophys. Res, 106, 4543-4564.

Oguz T., Malanotte-Rizzoli P., Ducklow H.W. 2001.  Seasonal Cycle of the Upper Layer Circulation and its impacts on Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea: A modeling Study. Ecological Modelling, 144, 295-314.

Vladimirov V.L., Lyubartsev V.G., Miroshnichenko V.V. 2001. Integrated Multidiscipline Marine Environmental Databases: OceanBase System - effective tool to manage integrated databases. In: Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production. N.B. Harmancioglu (ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht

Vladimirov V.L., Lyubartsev V.G., Miroshnichenko V.V. 2001. Integrated Multidiscipline Marine Environmental Databases: OceanBase System - effective tool to manage integrated databases. NATO ARW “Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production”, Marmaris, Turkey, September 2001.

Uysal Z. 2001. Chroococcoid Cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. in the Black Sea: pigments, size, distribution, growth and diurnal variability. Journal of Plankton Research. 23:2, 175-189.


2002 Publications in international periodicals

Besiktepe S.,  Dam H.G.. 2002. Coupling of ingestion and defecation as a function of diet in the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 229: 151-164.

Anninsky B.E., Finenko G.A., Abolmasova G.I., Hubareva E.S., Svetlichny L.S., Bat L. & Kideys A. 2002. Effect of starvation on the biochemical compositions and metabolic rates of ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata in the Black Sea (Submitted to JEMBE).

Kopelevich O.V., Sheberstov S.V., Yunev O., et al. 2002. Surface chlorophyll in the Black Sea over 1978-1986 derived from satellite and in situ data // J. Mar. Syst. Vol 36, Issue 3-4: 145-160.

Korotaev G.K., Oguz T., Nikiforov A.A., Beckly B., Koblinsky C.J. 2002. Dynamics of the Black Sea anticyclones derived from spacecfraft remote sensing altimetry. 2002 Earth Res. From Space N 6, pp. 1-10.

Oğuz T. 2002. Role of physical processes controlling oxycline and suboxic layer structures in the Black Sea Global Biogeochemical cycles Vol.16 No.10.1029/2001GB001465. 2002

Oğuz T., Deshpande A.G., Malanotte-Rizzoli P. 2002. The role of mesoscale processes controlling biological variability in the Black Sea coastal waters: inferences from Sea WIFS- derived surface chlorophyll field. Continental Shelf Research 22(2002) 1477-1492

Oğuz T., Malanotte-Rizzoli P., Ducklow H.W., Murray J.W. 2002. Interdisciplinary studies Integrating The Black Sea Biogeochemistry and Circulation dynamics. Oceanography (2002) vol.15 No.3

Ozsoy E., Rank D. and Salihoğlu I., 2002. Pycnocline and Deep Mixing in the Black Sea: Stable Isotope and Transient Tracer Measurements, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2002) 54, 621629.

Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S., Arashkevitch E.G. 2002. Effect of oxygen concentration on energy metabolism in the migrating and diapausing copepods Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea // Oceanology Vol.42, N 5: 702-708.

Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S. 2002. The effect of oxygen concentration on metabolism and locomotory activity of Moina micrura (Cladocera) cultured under hypo- and normoxia // Marine Biology. Vol.141: 145-151.

Tuğrul S., Beşiktepe  Ş.B.and Salihoğlu I.2002. Nutrient exchange fluxes between the Aegean and Black Seas through the Marmara Sea. Mediterranean marine Science. Vol.3/1, 2002, 33-42

Yunev O.A., Vedernikov V.I., Basturk O., et al. 2002. Long-term variations of surface chlorophyll a and primary production in the open Black Sea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 230: 11-28.

Zaika V.E. 2002. Relative abundance of endemic animals in some dervatives of the Tethys Ocean. Ibidem, p.176.


2003 Publications in international periodicals

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova G.I, Bat L. & Kideys A. 2003. Predatory impact of alien Ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata on planktonic community in inshore waters of the Black Sea. Accepted for Conference on Coastal Zone Research: An Eloise Approach. 24-27 March, 2003, Gdansk, Poland.

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova, G.I, Anninsky B. E., Svetlichny L.S., Hubareva E.S., Bat L. & Kideys  A. E. 2003. Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. J. Plankton Res., 25, 4

Finenko G.A., Romanova, Z.A., Abolmasova G.I, Bat L. & Kideys A. 2003. Predatory impact of alien Ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata on planktonic community in inshore waters of the Black Sea. Accepted for Conference on Coastal Zone Research: An Eloise Approach. 24-27 March, 2003, Gdansk, Poland.


2. Publications in local (national) periodicals

1999 Publications in local (national) periodicals

Gavrilova N.A, Zagorognyaya J.A., Kuzmenko L.V., Polikarpov I.G., Shumakova G.V. 1999. Natural condition estuary of Danube river and Zmeiny island: Modern state of ecosystem / ed. Ivanov V.A., Goshovsky S.V. Sevastopol: MHI NANU. - P. 177-183. (In Russian)

Girgvliani A. 1999. Calculation of the effect of the Bosporian channel on the Black Sea hydrology. J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., v.4b, pp. 28-39.

Girgvliani A. 1999. The Coriolis force parametrization in numerical model of the Black Sea dynamics. J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., v.4b, pp. 15-27.

Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D. 1999. On a coupled sea-atmosphere regional numerical model. J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., v.4b, pp. 5–17.

Kovalev A.V., Skryabin V.A., Zagorodnyaya Yu.A., Bingel F., Kideys A.E., Nierman U., Uysal Z. 1999. The Black Sea zooplankton: composition, spatial/temporal distribution and history of investigations. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 23, pp.195-209.

Romanova Z.A., Finenko G.A., and Shadrin N.A. 1999. First record of alien species Beroe ovata (Ctenophora) near the Crimea Coast. Vestnik zoologii (Zoological herald). 33 (6): 90 (In Russian)

Shulman G.E. 1999. Physiology-biochemical indication and monitoring of condition of the Black Sea water animals (In Russian). Gydrobiol. zhurnal, v.55, n.1, pp.42-52.

Yuneva T.V., Yunev O.A., Bingel F., Kideys A.E., Shulman G.E. 1999. Relationship between lipid content of Black Sea Calanus euxinus and dynamic activity of its environment. Doklady of Biological Sciences. Vol. 369, pp.587-589.

Zagorognyaya J.A., Shadrin N.V. 1999. Zooplankton. Questions of Crimea development. Science-practical discussion analytic collection. Issue № 11. Biological and landscape diversity of Crimea: problems and prospects. Simferopol: SONAT. -pp. 106-108. (In Russian)

2000 Publications in local (national) periodicals

Altukhov D.A. 2000. Species diversity of phytoplankton from the Black Sea: methodic recommendations on the database creation. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 52, pp.79-82 (In Russian)

Anninsky B.E. 2000. The proximate chemical composition and energy content of ctenophore Beroe ovata from the Black Sea. Ekologiya morya,  Vol. 51, pp.29-34 (In Russian).

Anninsky B.E., and Abolmasova G.I. 2000. Temperature as a factor influencing the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi metabolic intensity and expansion over the Black Sea. Okeanologia. 5, pp.729-735 (In Russian).

Barinov G.V., Shayda V.G., Chubchikova I.N. 2000. Short-wave part spectrums ultra-violet radiation influence on bioenergy process of blue-green alga Spirulina platensis. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 50, pp. 26-28.

Barinov G.V., Trenkenshu R.P., Shayda R.P. 2000. Influence of temperature on heatproduction of blue-green alga-bacteria Spirulina platensis. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol. ECOSI-Gidrofizika,  pp.164-165.

Barinov G.V., Veselkov A.N., Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. 2000. Influence of the ultra-violet radiation, chemical and biological mutagens on algae heatproduction and DNA. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya v morskoi biologii. Sevastopol. ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.36-47.

Bologa A.S., 2000. Present trends in the Black Sea ecosystem and its biodiversity. in Radioecological Impact Assessment in the Southeastern Mediterranean Area, F.K.Vosniakos et al.(Eds.), TEI Thessaloniki, 2, pp.47-59

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A. 2000. Population dynamics and energetics of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Sevastopol Bay. Okeanologia, Moscow. Vol. 40: 32-36. (In Russian).

Finenko G.A. and Romanova, Z.A. 2000. Population dynamics and energetics of ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in Sevastopol Bay // Oceanologia, 40: 677–685

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova G.I. 2000. The ctenophore Beroe ovata is a recent invader to the Black Sea // Ecologiya Morya. 50: 21–25 (In Russian).

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova G.I. 2000. The ctenophore, Beroe ovata – recent invader to the Black Sea. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 50, pp.21-26.

Ignatyev S.M., Romanova Z.A., Zuev G.V. 2000. Dynamics of the situations with gelatinous macroplancton near the Crimean coast in 1995-1999 // Ecologia morya, 51: 15–18 (in Russian).

Gubanova A.D. 2000. Acartia tonsa Dana in the Sevastopol Bay: appearance, seasonal dynamic, size structure. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 51, pp. 55-58

Ignatyev Z.A., Romanova Z.A., Zuev G.V. 2000. Dynamics of the situation with gelatinous macroplankton near the Crimean shore in 1995-1999. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 50, pp.15-18 (In Russian).

Khanaichenko N.A., Bityukova Yu.E., Naidanova O.G. et al. 2000. Monitoring of microorganisms in the system of growing of larvae stages of Flounde Calcan. Ekologiya moray, Vol. 53.

Kordzadze A., Demetrashvili D.A. 2000. 3-D numerical model of distribution of nonconservative admixture in the Black Sea. J. Georgian Geophys. Soc., Vol.5b, pp. 12-20.

Krivosheya V.G., Titov V.B., Ovchinnikov I.M., Kosyan R.D., Skirta A.Yu. 2000. Influence of Circulation and Mesoscale Eddies on the Deep Water Location of Uppper Boundary of the Hydrosulphide Zone of the Black Sea. Okeanologiya, 2000, V.40, No.6, pp.816-825 (In Russian).

Mukhanov V.S., Rylkova O.A., Lopukhina O.A., Kemp R.B. 2000. Dissipation of energy, productivity and biomass rotation rate in bacterioplankton community: comparative investigation of two water ecosystems. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 52, pp.12-17.

Naidanova O.G., Efremov A.I. 2000. Oil-oxidizing bacteria as a component of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in Sevastopol Bay. Ekologiya morya, Vol. 52, pp.72-74.

Rudneva I.I., Shayda V.G. 2000. Microcolorometrical research of PHB influence upon ontogenetics stage in hydrobionts evolution. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.149-156.

Rudneva I.I., Shayda V.G. 2000. Microcolorometrical research of ontogenetic evolution of hydrobionts. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.139-149.

Rudneva I.I., Shayda V.G. 2000. Research of serum blood heatproduction of Black Sea sharp – katran Squalus acanthias L (Squalidae). Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.48-50.

Shayda V.G. 2000. Technical description and peculiarity using of monitor of biological activity. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya v morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.17-35.

Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. 2000. Effectiveness of microcolorometry in study of the process of virus–bacteria interaction. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.80-86.

Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. 2000. Influence of ultra-violet on heatproduction of marine microplankton. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.91-96.

Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. Marine microorganism heatproduction. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, 64-70.

Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. 2000. Microcolorometrical description of bacteriumfage. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI- Gidrofizika, pp.71-80.

Stepanova O.A., Shayda V.G. 2000. Seasonal quantity and heatproduction of microplankton in Sevastopol Bay. Microcalorimetricheskie issledovaniya morskoi biologii. Sevastopol: ECOSI-Gidrofizika, pp.86-91.

Trusevich V.V., Yuneva T.V., Bingel F., Kideys A.E., and Shulman, G.E. 2000. Ribonucleic acid content and RNA-DNA ratio of Black Sea anchovy and sprat larvae. Reports of Ukrainian Academy of Science. No 11, pp.218-222 (In Russian).

2001 Publications in local (national) periodicals

Alexandrov B. and Kideys A.  2001. Mnemiopsis leidyi.In: Exotic Species in the Aegean Sea , Marmara , Black , Azov and Caspian Sea (Eds : Y. Zaitsev , B. Öztürk), Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TÜDAV), Istanbul (Turkey): s 113-117.

Abolmasova G.I. 2001. Effect of temperature and food conditions on energy metabolism in Mnemiopsis leidyi. Hydrobiol. J., 37, 90–96. (In Russian).

Bodeanu N. 2001.  Algal blooms in Romanian Black Sea waters in the last two decades of the XXth century. Cercetari marine-Recherches marines, IRCM, 32

Bologa A.S. 2001. Destruction of marine biodiversity: A case study of the Black Sea. in Oceans in the New Millennium: Challenges and Opportunities for the Islands, G.R.South et al.(Eds.), Proceedings, IOI-PIM XXVII, Suva/Fiji, Nov.8-l2, l999, Ed.DaDa, Constanta/Romania, pp.249-254

Churilova T.I., Berseneva G.P., Georgieva L., Bryanzeva Yu.V. 2001. Bio-optical characteristics of phytoplankton during winter-spring “bloom” in Black Sea Marine Hydrophysical Journal, No. 5, P.28-40 (in Russian).

Eremeev V.N., Ivanov L.I., Konovalov S.K., Samodurov A.S. 2001. Role of oxygen, sulphides, nitrates and ammonium fluxes in formation of hydrochemical structure of the main pycnocline and anaerobic zone in the Black Sea. Marine Hydrophysical Journal, No 1, pp.64-82 (In Russian)

Finenko G.A., Anninsky B.E., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova G.I., and Kideys A.E. 2001. Chemical composition, respiration and feeding rates of the new alien ctenophore, Beroe ovata, in the Black Sea. Hydrobiologia 451:177-186.

Samodurov A.S., Ivanov L.I. 2001. Balance model for assessment of averaged fluxes of fluid, heat, salt and dissolved chemical substances in the Black Sea thermohalocline. Marine Hydrophysical Journal,  No 3, (In Russian)

Satilmis H. H., Gordina A. D., Kideys A. E., Bat L., Bircan R. 2001. Distribution of fish eggs and larvae off Sinop in 1999-2000. I. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, , 4-6 September 2001, Hatay, Turkey.

Soydemir N., Ekingen G., Eker E., Kıdeyş A. E. 2001. Marmara Denizinin 1998 yılı fitoplankton dağılımı. I. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, , 4-6 September 2001, Hatay, Turkey.

Tekiroğlu S.E, Ediger V., Yemenicioğlu S., Kapur S. and Akca E. 2001. The Experimental analysis on the Late Quaternary Deposits of the Black Sea Oceanological Acta The Experimental analysis on the Late Quaternary Deposits ol: 24 no 1Sayfa no:52-67 Yıl: 2001

Tugrul S., Beşiktepe S. and Salihoglu I. 2001. Nutrient exchanges between the Black Sea and Mediterranean through the Marmara Sea, International Conference on the North Aegean System Functioning and Inter-Regional Pollution, Kavala, Yunanistan, 28-30 Mayıs, 2001

Yayla M.K.,  Yilmaz A. and Morkoc E.  2001. The dynamics of nutrient enrichment and primary production related to the recent changes in the ecosystem of the Black Sea, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management (Nisan 2001 de basılmış)

Zagorodnyaya J.A., Kovalev A.V., Ostrovskaya N.A. 2001. Quantative data and seasonal dynamics of Black Sea zooplankton near Crimea coast in 1994-1995s. // Ekologiya Morya. - 55. – pp.17-22. (In Russian)

Zagorognyaya J.A., Kovalev A.V. 2001. Modern state of the zooplankton in coastal waters of the Black Sea near Crimea // Naukovi zapiski. Ser. Biology. - Ternopilsky peduniversity. -3 (14). - pp.131-132. (In Russian)

Zagorognyaya J.A., Murina V.V. 2001. Zooplankton of the Karadag reserve. / Karadag. History, biology, archaeology (The scientific works dedicated to 85-th anniversary of T.L.Vyasemsky Karadag biological station). – Simferopol: Sonat. - P. 143-153. (In Russian)


2002 Publications in local (national) periodicals

Abolmasova G.I. 2002. Nitrogen excretion rate in ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi Agassiz Hydrobiol. J. 38, 4: 44-50 (in Russian).

Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K., Knysh V.V. The evolution of the Cold Intermediate Layer of the Black Sea based on assimilation of climatic data in the model. Marine Hydrophys. Journal 2002 N4 pp. 3 - 19.

Dorofeyev V.L., Korotaev G.K. 2002. Assimilation of satellite altimetry in the eddy-resolving model of the Black Sea circulation. Marine Hydrophis.Journal.

Finenko Z., Churilova T., Sosik H. M., Bastyurk O. 2002. Variability of Photosynthetic parameters of surface phytoplankton in the Black Sea // Oceanology, V.42, N1,pp. 60-75 (in Russian).

Gordina A.D., Pavlova E.V., Kideys A.E., Tkach A.V., Nikolsky V.N. 2002. (In press.) The analysis of the Black Sea ichthyoplankton modern state from the point of view of fishery perspectives (In Russian).

Knysh V.V., Demyshev S.G., Korotaev G.K. 2002. The method of the reconstruction of seasonal climatic circulation of the Black Sea based on the assimilation of hydrographic data in the model. Marine Hydrophys. Journal N2 pp. 36 - 52

Metreveli G., Buachidze N., Khomeriki I., Bilashvili K., Metreveli M. etc. 2002. Sea Dynamics in Georgian Exclusive Economic Zone and Problems of Oil Pollution under the Current Climatic Cycle. Caucasian Geographic Review,#1,Tbilisi.

Murina V.V., Zagorodnyaya J.A. 2002. Meroplankton in adjacent aquatoria: the Black Sea and eastern part of the Marmara Sea. // Ekologiya Morya. -  59. – pp.31-36. (In Russian)

Revkov N.K., Nikolaenko T.V. 2002. Biodiversity of zoobethos in nearshore zone of Crimean coast (Laspi Bay). Biologiya moriya,  29, No. 3, p. 170-180.

Stelmakh L.V., Babich I.I, Lyashenko S.V. 2002. Seasonal variability chlorophyll-a concentration and carbon: chlorophyll-a ratio in the coastal waters of the Black Sea near Sevastopol during 2000 –2001 // Ecologya moria (IBSS, Ukraine), № 61, pp.64 –68(in Russian).

Zagorodnyaya J.A. 2002.Oithona brevicornis in the Sevastopol Bay: is it a single event or a new invader in the Black Sea fauna? // Ekologiya Morya. - 61. – p. 43. (In Russian)

Zagorodnyaya J.A., Pavlovskaya T.V. 2002. Preliminary results of zooplankton monitoring in the Karadag natural reserve bays // Materials of the 2-d scientific conference “Crimea reserve. Biodiversity on the priority territories: 5 years after Gurzuf”, 25-26 April 2002, Simferopol, Crimea. Simferopol: CGNU. - p. 77-80. (In Russian)

3. Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings 

1999 Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings 

Bologa A.S., Apas A., Cociasu A., Cuingioglu E., Patrascu V., Pecheanu I., Piescu V., Popa L., 1999. Present level of contaminants in the Romanian Black Sea sector. in "Marine Pollution", Proceedings, Int. Symp. Monaco, 5-9 Oct.l998, IAEA-TECDOC-1094, 58-63

Mutlu E. 1999. Distribution and discrimination of anchovy and sprat in the Black Sea from high frequency sound records. Second International Hydroacustics Symposium, 22-24 May 1999, Gdansk, Poland.

Kovalev A.V., Mazzocchi M.G., Siokou-Frangon I., Kideys A.E. 1999.Changes in zooplankton composition and an abundance occurring from the eastern Mediterranean to the Black Sea . Oceanogr. of the Eastern Mediterr. And Black Sea. Intern. Conf., Athens, Greese. Abstr. - 86-87.

Oguz T. l999. Modeling redox cycling across the suboxic-anoxic interface zone of the Black Sea. 6-9 October 1999, Bologna, Italy.

Vladimirov V.L., Lyubartsev V.G. 1999. OceanBase database management system. Seminar at the National Marine Information and Research Center (NatMIRC, Namibia, Swakopmund), August 6, 1999.

Vladimirov V.L., Lyubartsev V.G., Miroshnichenko V.V. 1999. Special database management system for large historical interdisciplinary marine databases. In: International Conference on The Ocean Observing System for Climate.18-22 October 1999, Proceedings, Saint-Raphael, France, pp.1-2 .

Vladimirov V.L., Mamaev V. l999. Data and information management systems for the Black Sea region. - Data and Information Management Workshop. Caspian Environment Programme. Baku, Azerbaijan, 17-19 November, 1999.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Konoplyanikov A. 1999. Systems to manage oceanographic cruise data - International seminar “Monitoring Systems for Marine Environment,” Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 12-17, 1999.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Lyubartsev V.G., Besiktepe S. 1999. Special database management system and multidiscipline historical data base of the Black Sea. International conference “Global Black Sea Observation System: Fundamental and applied aspects,” Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine, September 30 – October 1, 1999.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Lyubartsev V.G. 1999. Special database management system as a tool to study regional interdisciplinary marine data. In: International Conference Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Similarities and Differences of Two Interconnected Basins. 23-26 February 1999. Athens, Greece.

Vladimirov V.L., Sergeeva A.V. 1999. Internet-resources for the Black Sea: sources of data and information. - International seminar “Monitoring Systems for Marine Environment,” Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 12-17, 1999.

Zagorodnyaya Yu.A., Kovalev A.V., Piontkovski S.A. 1999. Influence of water exchange through the Bosphorus on zooplankton distribution in adjacent regions. // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and differences of two intercoonnected Basiins. Abstr. of conf., Athens, 23-26 Febr. Athens. - p.127.

2000 Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings 

Altukhov D.A. 2000. About creation of the database on the species diversity of the Black Sea. Doklady molodyh uchenyh “Pont Evksinskyi-2000” (Sevastopol, 16-18 May, 2000). Sevastopol, IBSS, p.7. 

Bodeanu N., Moncheva S., Ruta G., Popa L., 2000. Long-term evolution of the algal blooms in Romanian and Bulgarian Black sea waters. NATO SfP Project Black Sea Ecosystem Processes and Forecasting/Operational Database Management System Report of the Workshop and Project Evaluation meeting, Istanbul, 15-16 May, 2000, TUBITAK.

Bodeanu N. 2000.  Algal blooms in Romanian Black Sea waters in the last two decades of the XX century. "Report of the Workshop on Developing Indicators of Eutrophication for the Black Sea, ICWS Amsterdam, Istanbul, 25-20 September 2000 (in press)

Bodeanu N., Boicenco L., Popa L. 2000.  Long-term algal blooms and phytoplankton development in Mamaia bay. 3rd International Conference B.EN.A. on Transboundary Pollution", Bucharest, 23-26 November, 2000

Bologa A.S. 2000. Scientific co-operation in the Black Sea. Black Sea Ecosystem Processes and Forecasting/Operational Database Management System, "Report of the Workshop and Project Evaluation Meeting", Istanbul, 15-16 May, 2000

Finenko G.A., and Romanova Z.A. 2000. Abundance, population structure and grazing impact on zooplankton of Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz) in Sevastopol Bay. In: G.G. Matishov (ed.) Vidy-vselenzy v Evropeiskikh moryakh Rossii. Tezisy dokladov nauchnogo seminara (Murmansk, 27-28 yanvar 2000). Murmansk. ( Species- invaders in the European Seas in Russia. Abstracts of the presentations of the scientific seminar (Murmansk, January 27-28, 2000). Murmansk, pp.94-95 (In Russian).

Finenko G.A., and Romanova Z.A. 2000. Ecology of new aliens- ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata and their impact on the Black Sea planktonic community. In: Problemy hydroecologii na rubeze vekov. Mezdunarodnaya conferenziya 23-30 oktyabrya 2000. Sankt-Peterburg. Zoologicheskii Institut Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk., Rossiiskoe Hydrobiologicheskoe obshchestvo. 2000. (Problems of hydroecology on centure boundary. Intern. Conference. October.23-30, Sant-Petersburg. Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Hydrobiological Society), pp.42-43 (In Russian).

Finenko G.A., Romanova Z.A., Abolmasova G.I. 2000. The ctenophore Beroe ovata is alien to the Black Sea. In: G.G. Matishov (ed.). Vidy-vselenzy v Evropeiskikh moryakh Rosii. Tezisy dokladov nauchnogo seminara (Murmansk,27-28 yanvar 2000). Murmansk. (Species-invaders in the European Seas in Russia. Abstracts of the presentations of the scientific seminar (Murmansk, January 27-28, 2000). Murmansk, pp.95-96. (In Russian). 

Kideys A.E., Romanova Z.A. 2000. Distribution of Aurelia aurita (Cnidaria), Pleurobrachia pileus and Mnemiopsis leidyi (Ctenophora) in the southern Black Sea during 1995-1998 . International conference on jellyfish blooms, Gulf shores (Alabama, January 2000): Program and Abstracts [Alabama]. 35.

Kordzadze A.A., Demetrashvili D.I. 2000.  A mathematical model of dynamics of the Black Sea and its use in problems on spreading of an admixture. The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Countries Conference. Disasters in the Black Sea Region: Prevention and Liquidation of Consequences. Kharkov (Ukraine), May 16-18, 2000, pp. 84-88 (In Russian).

Kordzadze A.A., Demetrashvili D.I. 2000.  Numerical experiments on model of the Black Sea dynamics taking into account absorption of solar radiation. Computing Mathematics and mathematical modeling. Proceedings of the international workshop, Devoted 75-years of Academician G.I. Marchuk and 20-years of Institute of Computing Mathematics. Мoscow, 19 - 22 June, 2000 , pp.125–134 (In Russian).

Krivosheya V.G., Kos’yan R.D., Zatzepin A.G., Arkhipkin V.S. 2000.  Oceanographic investigations aboard the R/V “Akvanavt” within the Russian sector of the Black Sea in 1997-2000 (Information). Ventilation of the Black Sea’s anoxic waters. Liege, Belgium, May 8-12, 2000, pp.321-326. 

Krivosheya V.G., Ovchinnikov I.M., Kos’yan R.D., Skirta A.Yu., Stanichnyi S.V., Solov’ev D.M. 2000.  Climatic variability of the cold intermediate layer (CIL) renewal in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea in 1990-2000. Ventilation of the Black Sea’s anoxic waters. Liege, Belgium, May 8-12, 2000, pp.303-320.

Moncheva S., Doncheva V. 2000. Eutrophication Index (TRIX) – an operational tool for Black Sea coastal water ecological quality assessment and monitoring. Collected papers SCSEIO - Int. Symposium ”The Black Sea Ecological problems”, Odessa/SCEIO, 2000, pp.178-185.

Moncheva S., Doncheva V., Kamburska L., 2000. On the Long-term Response of Harmful Algal Blooms to the Evolution of Eutrophication off the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: are the recent changes a sign of recovery of the ecosystem - the uncertainties. IX International Conference “Harmful Algal Blooms”, 7-11 February, Hobart, Tasmania – Coll. reprints “Harmful Algal Blooms” (in press).

Mukhanov V.S., Kirin M.P., Polikarpov I.G. 2000.  Kinetics of development and corrosion of natural bactrioplankton community: methodological investigations. Doklady molodyh uchenyh “Pont Evksinskyi-2000” (Sevastopol, 16-18 May, 2000). Sevastopol, IBSS,  pp.43-44.

Mukhanov V.S., Rylkova O.A., Lopukhina O.A., and Kemp R.B. 2000.  Microcalorimetry of natural bacterioplankton: a methodological investigation. Doklady molodyh uchenyh “Pont Evksinskyi-2000”, (Sevastopol, 16-18 May, 2000). Sevastopol, IBSS, 2000, pp.45-46.

Naidanova O.G., Efremov A.I. 2000.  Oil-oxidizing bacteria as a component of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in Sevastopol Bay. Doklady molodyh uchenyh “Pont Evksinskyi-2000” (Sevastopol, 16-18 May, 2000). Sevastopol, IBSS,  pp.46-47.

Nyffeler F., Charles-Henri Godet, Kontar T., Kos’yan R., Krivosheya V., Volkov I. 2000.  Optical properties along the continental margin of the North-Eastern Bllack Sea. Proc. of the Int Conf. "Coastal Ocean and Semi-Enclosed Seas: Circulation and Ecology. Modeling and Monitoring". Moscow,  pp.71-82.

Rylkova O.A., Lopukhina O.A., Gavrilova N.A., Mukhanov V.S., Kemp R.B. 2000.  Dissipation of energy, productivity and biomass rotation rate in bacterioplankton community: comparative investigation of two water ecosystems. Doklady molodyh uchenyh “Pont Evksinskyi-2000” (Sevastopol, 16-18 May, 2000).

Sevastopol, 2000.

Saburova M.A., Polikarpov I.G. 2000.  Study of microbentos functioning in littoral bottom marine sediment. “Chtenie pamyati N.V. Timofeeva-Resovskogo: 100-letiyu so dnya rozjdeniya Nikolaya Vladimirovicha Resovskogo posvyashaetsya”. ( International Congress Ecoetic. Sevastopol’skoe otdelrnie Nauchnogo obshestva “Biosfera I chelovechestvo” im. Prof. N.V. Timofeeva- Resovskogo) – Sevastopol IBSS, 2000, pp.190-215

Vladimirov V.L. 2000.  Special database management system for large historical interdisciplinary marine databases. - Presentation at the XVI session of the IOC Committee for International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE-XVI), Lisbon, October 30 – November 9.

Vladimirov V.L., Lyubartsev V.G., Miroshnichenko V.V. 2000.  Oceanographic and environmental database management and DBMS. – Caspian Environment Programme. At Sea Training Programme Seminar. Baku, October 9-12.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V. 2000.  Black Sea Metadatabases and International projects. Black Sea Web workshop. June 23-24 2000, MSU, Moscow.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Lyubartsev V.G. 2000.  Special database management system as a tool to study regional interdisciplinary marine data. In: International Conference Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Similarities and Differences of Two Interconnected Basins. 23-26 February 1999. - Scientific report. European Commission, Community Research, EUR 19302, 2000, p.445.

Vladimirov V., Miroshnichenko V., Lyubartsev V., and Besiktepe S. 2000.  Data Base Management activities within the framework of the NATO SfP ODBMS Black Sea Project. In: Black Sea Ecosystem Processes And Forecasting / Operational Database Management System Report of the Workshop and Project Evaluation Meeting, Istanbul, 15-16 May 2000. – IMS METU, Erdemli, July 2000.

Vladymyrov V.L., Myroshnychenko V.V., Lyubartsev V.G., Besiktepe S. 2000.  Special Database Management And Processing Systems as a Tool To Integrate Marine Sciences Data Into ICAM. In: International Conference On Integrated Coastal Area Management And Its Integration with Marine Sciences. St. Petersburg, 25-30 September, 2000. Abstracts, p.28.


2001 Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings 


Eker E. &  Kideys A.E. 2001. Distribution of phytoplankton in the southern Black Sea and its relationship to the deep fluorescence maxima. Plankton Symposium, 20-22 September 2001, Espinho, Portuqal

Kideys A.E. 2001. Studies on Mnemiopsis in Turkish waters. First International Meeting on “The Invasion of the Caspian Sea by the Comb Jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi– Problems, Perspectives, Needs for Action” organised by theCaspian Environment Programme, Baku, Azerbaijan, 24-26 April 2001.

Kideys A.E., Ünal E., Murina V., Zagorodnyaya J., Bat L., Akbulut M., Gündogdu A., Culha M., Gonlugur G. 2001. Meroplankton composition off Sinop (southern Black Sea) in 1999-2000. International Workshops on The Marine Biodiversity in Islamic Countries, Algiers, Algeria, 22-24 October 2001

Satilmis H.H., Gordina A.D., Kideys A.E., Bat L., Bircan R.,  Culha M. &  Akbulut M. 2001. Seasonal distribution of fish eggs and larvae off Sinop (the southern Black Sea) in 1999-2000. Plankton Symposium, 20-22 September 2001, Espinho, Portuqal

Vladimirov V., Myroshnychenko V., Lyubartsev V.,  Besiktepe S.,  Piontkovski S. 2001. Special Database Management System as a tool to study marine biological and oceanographical data. IAPSO/IABO Symposium at 2001: An Ocean Odyssey Mar del Plata, Argentina, 21-28 October 2001. Abstracts.

Yilmaz A., Tugrul S., Coban Yildiz Y. and Yayla M.K., 2001. Nutritional status and primary production in the Black Sea: Emphasis on the changes in the last decades, Presented at The 5th International Conference on the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas, EMECS 2001, 19-22 November, 2001, City of Kobe and Awaji Island, Japan, Abstract Book, pp. 165.


2002 Papers Presented at the Scientific Meetings 

Abolmasova G. I., Finenko G. A., Romanova Z.A. 2002. Energy requirements of Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata populations in relation to nutrition conditions in Sevastopol bay // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.146–147.

Atcikhovskaya Zh. M., Shcurov S.V. 2002. Dynamics processes in shelf zone of the Black Sea and their parameterization at a model of water selfpurification // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.462.

Basova M. M. 2002. Physiological and biochemical features in the chemical composition of the Black Sea turbot tissues Psetta maeotica pallas // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.417.

Berseneva G.P., Gevorgiz N.S. 2002. Formation and variability of hydrobiological parameters of phytoplankton of the Sevastopol bay (on materials 2000-2001) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.399–400.

Buachidze N., Bilashvili K., Mchedlishvili M. 2002. Study of Biodegradation Dynamics of the Process of Destruction of Oil Products by Microorganizms.Abstracts of the 2-rd International Conference, October, Ankara, Turkey.

Chesalina T.L., Chesalin M.V. 2002. Morphology, ecology, reproduction and growth of the mullet haarder, Mugil so-iuy in the Azov-Black Sea region // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.336.

Egorov V.N, Polikarpov G.G, Stokozov N.A., Mirzoyeva N.Y. 2002. Radioactive pollution of the Eastern Mediterranean from the Black Sea after the Chernobyl NPP accident // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.262–263.

Finenko Z. Z., Churilova T.Ya. 2002. Photosynthetic properties of the Black Sea phytoplankton // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.273–274.

Gevorgiz N.S., Kondratiev S.I., Lyashenko S.V., Ovsyanyj E.I., Romanov A.S. 2002. The hydrology-hydrochemical characteristics of the Sevastopol bay (Black Sea) in summer-autumn 2000 // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.391.

Gordina A.D., Kideys A., Tkach A.V., Pavlova E.V. 2002. The analysis of the modern state of the Black Sea ichthyoplankton from the point of view of fishery evaluation // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.184–185.

Gordina A., Kideys A.E. 2002. Comparison of ichthyoplankton composition of Aegean, Marmara and Black Seas in October 2000 // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.339.

Gubanov V.I., Maltchenko Y.A., Gubanova E.V., Lipchenko A.E., Andryushenko B.F., Rodionova N.Y. 2002. Modern state of environmental pollution in the Sevastopol coastal zone: water, bottom sediments and precipitation // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.397–398.

Gubanova A.D, Saburova M.A, Polikarpov I.G. 2002. Long-term changes of annual cycle of copepod community in Sevastopol bay (Black Sea) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.344.

Hubareva E., Svetlichny L., Levent B., Kideys A. 2002. Metabolic rates of juvenile Beroe ovata in the Black Sea // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.143.

Kordzadze A., Bilashvili K., Demetrashvili D. A 2002. Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Water Exchange with the Mediterranean Sea on Hydrological Regime of the Black Sea. Abstracts of the 2-rd International Conference, October, Ankara, Turkey.

Milchakova N. A. 2002. Comparison between Mediterranean and Black Sea flora of fucophyceae // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.328–329.

Murina G-V., Uysal Z. 2002. Meroplankton and pelagic polychaetes of the northern Levantine basin shelf waters // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.358–359.

Nevrova E., Revkov N. 2002. Spatial pattern and structure of benthic diatom taxocen (Laspi bay, Crimea, the Black Sea) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.331–332.

Oskolskaya O., Timofeev V. 2002. The gill area development in Cerastoderma 168 glaucum in ecologically different bays of Sevastopol // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.168.

Oskolskaya O.I., Torska O.V. 2002. Some peculiarities of formation in Cystoseira barbata ag. thalli (Black Sea) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.353.

Parchevsky V.P., Parchevsky K.V. 2002. Solution of the illposed inverse problem is the best approach to date for studying the instantaneous rates of biological processes as well as probability density function of biological parameters // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.222–223.

Parkhomenko A.V. 2002. Biotic cycle of Phosphorus in the open part of the Black Sea in winter // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.401.

Petrov A.N, Arvanitidis Ch., Eleftheriou A. 2002. Macrobenthos in relation to eutrophication impact in the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.171–172.

Romanova Z.A., Finenko G.A., Abolmasova G., Bat L., Kideys A. 2002. The population dynamics and size structure of gelatinous macroplankton during 1999-2001 in Sevastopol bay (the Black Sea) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.345–346.

Rudneva I.I., Oven L.S., Shevchenko N.F., Shaida V.G., Zalevskaya I.N. 2002. Biomarkers for the detection of natural and anthropogenic changes in coastal waters of Black Sea // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.261.

Sergeeva N. 2002. Meiobenthos of the Black Sea deep hydrogen sulphide zone // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.160.

Shadrin N.V., Gubanov V.V. 2002. Churning circulation as a special biotope // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.138.

Shadrin N.V., Sosnovskaya L.V., Obryvkov V.A., Mironov S.S. 2002. Contribution of unsteadiness of climate to intensification of erosion of seashores // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p. 433.

Shulman G.E. and Yuneva T.V. 2002. Fishes as indicators of state of the Black Sea and Mediterranean ecosystems // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.175.

Skryabin V.A., Kovalev A.V., Mazzocchi M.G., Kideys A.E. 2002. Seasonal changes of composition and abundance of zooplankton in the seas of the Mediterranean basin // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.330.

Stelmakh L.V., Krivenko O.V. 2002. Seasonal variability of "new" primary production in the open part of the Black Sea // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.275.

Stelmakh L.V, Babich I.I, Lyashenko S.V. 2002. Seasonal variability of the carbon: chiorophyll-a ratio in phytoplankton of the coastal waters of the Black Sea // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.390.

Svetlichny L., Kideys A., Besiktepe S., Hubareva E. 2002. Calanus euxinus in the Black and Marmara seas: morphology, ecology and energetic development strategy // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.137.

Tokarev Yu.N., Bityukov E.P., Vasilenko V.I., Sokolov B.G. 2002. Bioluminescence from the Black Sea to the eastern Mediterranean: the spatial structure and functional connection with the characteristics of plankton in the two interconnected basins // Second International Conference // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey.

Unal E., Kideys A.E., Bat L., Zagorodnyaya Ju., Murina V. 2002. Seasonality of zooplankton in the southern Black Sea, Turkey. / Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Similarities and differences of two interconnected Basins. Abs. of 2-d conf., Ankara, 14-18 Oct.,. METU Cultural & Convention Center Ankara, Turkey. - p.363.

Vorobyova L.V. 2002. Main trends of meiobenthos development in the impacted zones of the north-western Black Sea (Ukraine) // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.340.

Yilmaz A., Coban-Yildiz Y., Morkoc E., Bologa A.S. 2002. Surface and midwater sources of organic carbon by phyto- and chemo-autotrophic production in the Black sea: New data from the KNORR 2001 cruise. 2nd Int. Conf. "Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea, Abstracts, p.318

Yunev O., Vedernikov V., Yilmaz A., Kideys A., Moncheva S., Konovalov S. 2002. Outstanding Changes in the Black Sea Pelagic Ecosystem over the Last Decades // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.388–389.

Yunev O., Yilmaz A., Shokurov M., Haliulin A., Konovalov S. 2002. Long-term variability of vertical chlorophyll profile in the open Black Sea during warm months: consequence of anthropogenic eutrophication or climatic changes? // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.276–277.

Yuneva T.V., Svetlichny L.S, Romanova Z.A., Kideys A.E, Bingel F., Shulman G.E. 2002. Lipids of the Black Sea Calanus euxinus as tool for determining food supply in the field // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. pp.151–152.

Zaika V. (2002) Relative abundance of endemic animals in some derivatives of the Tethys ocean // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p.176.

Zuev G.V., Boltachev A.R., Chesalin M.V, Melnikova E.B. 2002. Ecological variability of the sprat in the northwestern Black Sea // Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Second Intern. Conf. 14–18 October 2002. Ankara, Turkey. p. 335.


4. Publications in books and collected articles 

1999 Publications in books and collected articles

Gavrilova N.A., Zagorodnyaya Yu.A., Kuz’menko L.V., Polikarpov I.G., Shumakova G.V. 1999. Hydrobiological investigations. In: Natural conditions of the coastal waters in the region of Danube river and Zmeinyi island. Sovremennoe sostoyanie ekosistemy (editors Ivanov V.A., Gomovskii S.V.). Sevastopol, MHI, 1999, pp177-183.

Kuzmenko L.V., Senichkina L.G., Altukhov D.F., Kovaleva T.M. 1999. Quantitative development and distribution of the phytoplankton in waters of the south-eastern coast of Crimea. In: Yubileynyi sbornik Karadagskogo otdeleniya IBSS NASU.

Polikarpov I.G. 1999. Biological communities. In: Natural conditions of coastal waters in the region of Danube river and Zmeinyi island. Sovremennoe sostoyanie ekosistemy (editors Ivanov V.A., Gomovskii S.V.). Sevastopol, MHI, 1999, pp.93-99.

Senichkina L.G., Altukhov D.A., Kuzmenko L.V., Georgieva L.V., Kovaleva T.M., Senicheva M.I. 1999. Species composition of the Black Sea phytoplankton off the south-eastern Crimean coast. Yubileynyi sbornik Karadagskogo otdeleniya IBSS NASU.

Shadrin N.V., Gubanova A.D., Popova E.V. 1999. Long-term changes of Acartia (Copepoda) taxocenosis in the Sevastopol Bay. Area of water and coast in Sevastopol: Ekosistemnye procesy i uslugi obschestvu (editors Pavlova E.V. and Shadrin N.V.). Sevastopol, Aquavita, pp.149-158.

Shulman G.E., 1999. Physiological parameters and problems of energy budget estimation in Mediterranean and Black Sea fishes. In: The Eastern Mediterranean as a laboratory Basin for the Assessment of Contrasting Ecosystems. Eds Malanotte-Rizzoli P., and Eremeev V.N. Kluwer Acad. Publish. Netherlands, pp.97-112

Shulman G.E., Stolbov V.Ya., Ivleva E.V., Schepkin V.Ya., Minyuk G.S. 1999. Influence of anthropogenic impact on the physiology of some Black Sea fish species. In: Environmental degradation of the Black Sea: Challenges and Remedies. Eds S. Besiktepe et al. Kluwer Acad Publ. Netherlands, pp.257-272.

Vladimirov V.L., Besiktepe S.T. 1999. NATO TU-Black Sea Project Database and Database Management System. In: Monitoring Black Sea Environmental Conditions. Working Group proceedings. Proceedings of the World Federation of Scientists. Working Group on Water pollution. Proceedings Series, Volume 3. Published by the WFS, Lausanne, 1999, pp.203-214.

Vladimirov V.L., Sergeeva A.V. 1999.  Internet-resources for the Black Sea: sources of data and information. – In: “Monitoring Systems for Marine Environment,” Published by MHI NASU, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 1999, pp.181-183.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Konoplyanikov A. 1999. Systems to manage oceanographic cruise data. In: “Monitoring Systems for Marine Environment,” Published by MHI NASU, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 1999, pp.184-190.

2000 Publications in books and collected articles

Ginzburg A.I., Kostianoy A.G., Soloviev D.M., Stanichny S.V. 2000. Remotely sensed coastal-deep basin water exchange processes in the Black Sea In: Satellites, Oceanography and Society, Ed. D.Halpern, 2000, ch.15, pp. 273-287.

Kos’yan R.D., Pykhov N.V., Edge B.L. 2000. Coastal Processes in Tideless Seas. Publ. by ASCE. New York. p.328

Stanichny S.V., Lebedev N.E., Kihay Yu.V. et. al. 2000. Satellite remote sensing data as the basis for the Black sea GOOS, in "Black Sea Global Observing System: fundamental and applied aspects", 2000, Sevastopol, pp.31-39.

Vladimirov V.L., Miroshnichenko V.V., Lyubartsev V.G., and Besiktepe S. 2000. Special database management system and multidiscipline historical data base of the Black Sea. In: Global Black Sea Observation System: Fundamental and applied aspects. (Sbornik nauchnyh trudov: "Global'naya sistema nablyudeniy Chernogo Morya: fundamental'nye i prikladnye aspekty") Sevastopol, MHI NASU, 2000, pp. 39-44. ISBN 966-02-1545-2.


2003 Publications in books and collected articles

Arashkevich Elena, Drits Alexander and Timonin Alexander 2003. How do the basin- and mesoscale circulations affect the plankton distribution in the Back Sea?. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.768-773.

Aslan-Yilmaz Asli and Erdogan Okus, 2003. Distribution of heterotrophic bacteria in southwestern Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.745-751.

Beşiktepe Şükrü T., Development of the Regional Forecasting System for the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.297-306.

Bingel F., MutluE., Gücü A.C., 2003. Shifts in fish ecosystem in the Turkish Seas as inferred statistically. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.903-909.

Bodeanu N., Boicenco L., Popa L. and Andrei C., 2003. Evolutions of the phytoplankton and algal blooms from the Romanian area of the Black Sea at the limit between XXth and XXIst centuries. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.734-739

Buachidze N.S., Lomtatidze Z.Sh., Mchedlishvili M.V., Intskirveli L.N., Kuchava G.P., Bilashvili K.A., 2003. Study of the biodegradation and dynamics of some organic components oil products in separate coastal areas of Black Sea of Georgia. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.670-673

Burca M. and  Diaconu V. 2003. Cold water mass of the western Black Sea and its role in the basin hydrology. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.83-87

Burlakova Z.P.,  Eremeeva L.V. and Konovalov S.K., 2003. Inventory and Fluxes of Particulate Organic Carbon and Nitrogen in the Black Sea Oxic/Anoxic Water Column. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.514-522

Chasovnikov V.K. and  Lukashev Yu.F. 2003. Influence of eddy dynamics on the vertical distribution of hydrochemical compounds of the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.443-446

Chikina M.V., Kucheruk N. V. 2003. Changes in the species structure of the Black Sea coastal benthic communities. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.897-901.

Çoban-Yildiz Y., McCarthy J.J., Nevins J.L., Yilmaz A. 2003. Nitrogen cycling in the off-shore waters of the Southern Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.609-614.

Çoban-Yildiz Y., Altabet M.A., Yilmaz A., Tugrul S., Salihoglu I. 2003. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of suspended particulate organic matter in the Black Sea water column. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.603-608.

Çoban-Yildiz Y., Baravelli V., Fabbri D., Vassura I., Yilmaz A., Tugrul S., Eker-Develi E. 2003. Macromolecular characterisation of phytoplankton and Black Sea Suspended Particulate Organic Matter (SPOM) by analytical pyrolysis. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.529-535.

Davidan Izrail, Belberov Zdravko, Aubrey David, Lavrenov Igor, Trifonova Ekaterina, Zhivelina Cherneva, Valchev Nikolay, 2003. Transformation of wind wave spectrum parameters according to the Black Sea international experiments. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.201-205.

Dimitrov P.S., Coleman D.F., Çagatay N.M., Solakov D.P., Dimitrov D.P., 2003. Quaternary coastlines in the Western Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.1017-1020.

Doncheva V.G., Moncheva S.P., Malej A., Fonda-Umani S., Kamburska L.T., Hristova O.D., Slabakov H. 2003. An assessment of trophic state of marine coastal environment: Case studies - Varna Bay (Western Black Sea) and Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.500-507.

Dorofeyev V.L., Korotaev G.K, Koblinsky C.J., 2003. The Black Sea circulation model using assimilation of satellite altimetry. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.362-368.

Ediger Dilek and  Yilmaz Aysen 2003. The primary production and optical status of the NE Mediterranean and Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.479-486.

Erdogan Selehattin, Yemenicioglu Semal, Tugrul Süleyman 2003. Distribution of dissolved and particulate forms of iron and manganese in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.447-451.

Finenko Z. and Churilova T. 2003. Photosynthetic properties of the Black Sea phytoplankton. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.487-495.

Gevorgiz N.S., Kondratiev S.I., Lopukhin A.S., Lyashenko S.V., Ovsyanyj E.I., Romanov A.S. 2003. The hydrology and hydrochemical characteristics of Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea) in summer-autumn 2000. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.462-469.

Grégoire M., Beckers J.M., Friedrich J., Konovalov S., Kostianoy A., Nezlin N., Stanev E. and   Nihoul J. 2003. Nitrogen budget on the shelf and slope area of the Back Sea basin as inferred from modeling experiments. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.314-321.

Gündüz Murat and Özsoy Emin, 2003. Climate variability of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea based on empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) analysis. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.162-167.

Ilyin Y.P., Lemeshko E.M., Zervakis V., Water exchange in the Black and Aegean seas system based on the joint assessment of water and salt budgets. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.105-111.

Ivanov V.A., Lyubartseva S.P., Mikhailova E.N., Shapiro N.B., Gertman I., Shteinman B. 2003. Formation and evolution of the circulation and thermohaline structure in the multi-layer isopycnic-coordinate model of the Black Sea, the Dead Sea and Lake Kinneret: similarities and pecularities. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.353-361.

Kondratiev S.I., Lemeshko E.M. 2003. The extremely late bottom hypoxia on the north-western shelf of the Black Sea at the end of November 2001. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.457-461.

Konoplyanikov Oleksandr, Vladymyrov Volodymyr, Lyubartsev Vladyslav, Myroshnychenko Volodymyr. 2003. Oceanographic Data Inventory: New Generation. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.1029-1033.

Konovalov S.K, Murray J.W., Luther G.W., Buesseler K.O., Friederich G., Tebo B.M., Samodurov A.S., Gregoire M., Ivanov L.I., Romanov A.S., Clement B. and Murray K, 2003. Oxygen fluxes, redox processes and the suboxic zone in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.566-577.

Konsulova Ts., Tasev V., Todorova V., Konsulov A., 2003. The effect of bottom trawling on mussel beds along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.888-896.

Kordzadze A.A., Bilashvili K.A., Demetrashvili D.I., 2003. Numerical modeling of hydrologycal regime in the Black Sea with taking into account of water exchange with the Mediterranean Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.335-343.

Korotaev Gennady, Oğuz Temel, and  Koblinsky Chester, 2003. Variability of the Black Sea dynamics observed by space altimetry. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.259-265.

Kos'yan Ruben, Hanes Daniel, Kunz Hans, Kuznetsov Sergey, Mouraenko Oleg, Podymov Igor, Pykhov Nickolay, 2003. Suspended sand concentration fluctuations under breaking waves. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.1009-1016.

Kourafalou V.H., Barbopoulos K.A.,  Tsiaras K. and Staneva J.V. 2003. Numerical studies on shelf dynamics: North Aegean Sea and Northwestern Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.329-334.

Kubilay Nilgün, Koçak Mustafa,  Çokacar Tülay, Kouvarakis Giorgos, Mihalopoulos Nikos and  Oguz Temel. 2003. The influence of Black Sea and local biogenic activity on the seasonal variation of aerosol sulfur species in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.222-228.

Lakkis S., Kideyş A.E., Shmeleva A.A., Kovalev A., Ünal E., Zeidane R. 2003. Comparison of zooplankton biodiversity between Levantine Basin and Black Sea with reference to the alien species. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.821-827.

Lemeshko Evgeny M., Stanichny Sergey, Hopkins Tom Sawyer, Zervakis Vassilis, Ilyin Y.P., Soloveiv Dmitry. 2003. Effects of the Black Sea water manifestation in the north Aegean Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.112-118.

Leont’yev Igor, Cherneva Zhivelina, Antsyferov Sergey, Trifonova Ekaterina. 2003. Modeling of short-term morphological changes over the Slanchev Brjag coastal area of the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.1002-1008.

Luther George W. III, Glazer Brian T., Konovalov Sergey K., Friederich Gernot E., Nuzzio Donald B., Trouwborst Robert, Romanov Alexander S. 2003. In Situ Voltammetry: a tool to study the redox chemistry of the Black Sea interface. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.558-565.

Mikaelyan Alexander, Georgieva Ludmila, Senichkin Ludmilaa, Zavyalova Tatyana, Altuchov Denis. 2003. Influence of mesoscale dynamics on phytoplankton communities in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.720-729.

Murray James W., Konovalov Sergey K., Romanov Alexander, Luther George, Tebo Bradley, Friederich Gernot, Oguz Temel, Beşiktepe Şükrü, Tugrul Süleyman, and Yakushev Evgeniy.  2003. 2001 R/V Knorr Cruise: New Observations and Variations in the Structure of the Suboxic Zone. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.545-557.

Murray James W.,  Konovalov Sergey K., Callahan Amy. 2003. Nitrogen reactions in the suboxic zone of the Black Sea: new data and models. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.591-602.

Mutlu Erhan, 2003. Acoustical implication and innovations on distributions of a copepod species, Calanus euxinus, in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.761-767.

Mutlu Erhan, 2003. Diel vertical distribution of zooplankton in the Black Sea (April 1995). In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.753-760.

Oguz Temel, 2003. The Black Sea biogeochemistry and circulation dynamics. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.289-296.

Örek H., Gücü A.C. and  Bingel F. 2003 An application of mass balance ecopath model to the trophic structure in the Black Sea “after anchovy collapse”. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.914-919.

Pakhomova S.V. and  Kononets M.Yu., 2003. Study of dissolved metals species fluxes across the bottom water–sediment interface in Golubaya Bay of Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.452-456.

Podymov O.I., Yakushev E.V., Chasovnikov V.K. and Lukashev Yu.F. 2003. Seasonal variability of hydrological and hydrochemical parameters in Gelendzhik Bay (Northeastern Black Sea). In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.1039-1045.

Prokopov O.I. 2003. Climatic variability of cold intermediate layer in the Black Sea in warm periods. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.168-175.

Ratner Yu.B., Belokopitov V.N., Stanichny S.V., Korotaev G.K. 2003. Wind field over the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.181-188.

Sergeeva N.G. 2003. Meiobenthos of deep-water anoxic hydrogen sulphide zone of the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.880-887.

Shtereva Galina, Krastev Anton and Hristova Ognyana. 2003. Vertical distribution of the nutrients in the Western Black Sea area (Summer-Autumn 1998-2000). In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.438-442.

Slabakov C.D. and  Solakov D.P. 2003. Complex Monitoring of the Bulgarian Part of the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.643-647

Soydemir Nuray, Kideyş Ahmet E. &  Ekingen Gürkan 2003. Phytoplankton composition of the western Black Sea during the R/V Knorr cruise in May-June 2001. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.624-627.

Staneva J., Kourafalou V. and Stanev E. 2003. The response of the Black Sea ecosystem to changes of nutrient discharge from Danube River. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.307-313.

Stelmakh L.V. and Babich I.I. 2003. Carbon:chlorophyll-a ratio: The seasonal variability in phytoplankton from the coastal sea waters of Sevastopol (Black Sea). In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.523-528.

Stelmakh L.V. and Krivenko O.V. 2003. Seasonal variability of “new” primary production in the western open part of the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.471-478.

Telli Murat and Beşiktepe Şengül. 2003. Egg production of Calanus euxinus in the Black Sea: effects of chlorophyll concentration. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.794-798.

Tokarev Yu.N., Bityukov E.P., Vasilenko V.I., Sokolov B.G., Serikova I.M. 2003. Bioluminescence from the Black Sea to the Easternnection with the character Mediterranean: the spatial structure and functional conistics of plankton in the two interconnected basins. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.785--793

Trifonova Ekaterina and Grudeva Diana. 2003. Sea level surface variations in Bourgas and Varna bays. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.151-155.

Tugrul Süleyman and Salihoglu Ilkay. 2003. Spatial and temporal variations in the hydro-chemical properties of the Black Sea upper layer. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.578-582.

Tugrul Süleyman, Yilmaz Ayşen, Beşiktepe Şükrü and Salihoglu Ilkay. 2003. Seasonal variation of nutrients in the exchange flows between the Black and Marmara Seas through the Bosphorus Strait. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.424-428.

Uysal Z. 2003. Vertical distribution of marine cyanobacteria Synechococcus spp. in the Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.740-744.

Valchev Nikolay, Cherneva Zhivelina and Soares Carlos Guedes. 2003. Wave characteristics in open sea in front of the Bulgarian coast. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.196-200.

Westley Marian B., Murray James W., Popp Brian N., Yamagishi Hiroaki. 2003. Concentration and isotopic compositions of nitrous oxide in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.583-590.

Yakubenko V.G., Zatsepin A.G., Gamsakhurdiya G.R., Motyzhev S.V. 2003. The current regime on the Northeastern part of the Black Sea in 1998 - 2001. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.59-66.

Yakushev E.V., Chasovnikov V.K., Debolskaya E.I., Gregoire M., Podymov O.I. and Yakubenko V.G. 2003. The northeastern Black Sea redox zone hydrochemical structure: observed concentrations and estimated fluxes. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.322-328.

Yemenicioglu S., Tugrul S. and Salihoglu I. 2003. Distribution of mercury: its sources and dispersal in the Marmara Sea, Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.655-661.

Yilmaz Ayşen,  Çoban-Yildiz Yeşim,  Morkoç Enis and Bologa Alexander. 2003. Surface and midwater sources of organic carbon by photo- and chemo-autotrophic production in the Black Sea. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.615-623.

Yüksek Ahsen, Yilmaz Noyan, Okuş Erdogan, Uysal Zahit, Shmeleva Alexandra A., Gubanova Alexandra D., Altukhov Dennis, Polat-Beken Çolpan. 2003. Spatio-temporal variations in zooplankton communities and influence of environmental factors on them in SW Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.774-784.

Zatcepin A.G., Ginzburg A.I., Grigorieva Yu.V., Eremeev V.N., Evdoshenko M.A., Kostianoy A.G., Kremenetskiy V.V., Krivosheya V.G., Motyzhev S.V., Poulain P.M., Poyarkov S.G., Ratner Yu.B., Skirta A.Yu., Soloviev D.M., Stanichny S.V., Stroganov O.Yu., Sheremet N.A., Yakubenko V.G. and Zhurbas V.M. 2003. Variability of water dynamics in the northeastern Black Sea and its dependence on wind forcing. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.67-74.

Zveryaev Igor I. 2003. Annual cycle in air temperature and precipitation over Europe: climatology and variations. In: Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea. Ed. Yilmaz A., Erdemli-Içel, Turkey - IMS METU. pp.176-180.


5. Electronic Publications

Web-site of the NATO SFP ODBMS Black Sea Project. Online since October, 1999. Available:

NATO SfP Black Sea Ecosystem Processes and Forecasting / Operational Database Management System. Presentation for the End-users. CD-ROM. May 2000.

NATO SfP Black Sea Ecosystem Processes and Forecasting / Operational Database Management System. Presentation for the End-users: second release. CD-ROM. October, 2002.

CD ROM: Summer School “Combining Ocean Data and Dynamics”, IMS METU, Turkey, October, 2002

Black Sea Database. Online since January, 2003. Available:





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